Season 2021 is in the books and as Coach, I am so very proud of our amazing team! This season was extremely challenging for all. Covid-19 challenges, new rules, being put in a Region 12 while the other the other local Memphis area team was placed in a different Region- 10, and being told that we could not compete outside our region, or with our other local area team within walking distance on our same street? I offered to step up and take on the huge task, both in terms of labor and financially, to offer to host a local show a year before having too, but opted against it when I was told we couldn't invite our other local Memphis area team due to the region rules? This was a real bummer and took wind out of my sail starting the season to be honest. It started off a HOT MESS. Our region also had a really BAD show schedule originally that took several months to iron out and make right for all farms in our Zone 4 R 12. Due to Corona, horse shows that had to cancel in the spring and summer understandably rescheduled- short-notice-for many fall IEA show dates IEA had decided on in our zone and region. We all had local A show and schooling show conflicts taking trainers, horses, and competitors away from being able to attend IEA competitions. We also had to scramble just to have enough horse shows in our zone and region to give folks an opportunity to accumulate points. We lost members of our team because of better show schedules in Region 10, but were not allowed to compete outside of our region, EXCEPT for with our pals at a Providence Hill Farm. We were granted an exception and were willing to pull out of our zone 4 region 12 Nashville show date on the same weekend and attend this show to help them be able to hold the show even! There were not enough teams able to attend this date for them to hold the show without us. We were happy to help and grateful for our Zone 4 R12 crew supporting this move and their understanding so that the show could go on! Team work, makes the dream work! With all of the turmoil, I am really impressed with all the wonderful IEA Administrators, Coaches, Teams, Officials, and the entire organization for making the absolute most of this season and remaining so positive, and supportive 2021. We are a new team and have learned so much from our veteran IEA pals this season. What an amazing group, and we truly appreciate being able to participate at this level and be able to offer such a wonderful team equine sport opportunity to our kids and parents in our local community affordably. We had to travel to many shows this season with one coach, less team members, and lease horses from participating teams due to scheduling conflicts. We also had many new members this year and are a young team with most of our kids not being A rated show string kids. I'm proud of this! I'm proud that we earned Team Championship or Reserve Championships at more shows than not that we attended this season. I am proud that our kids, did this on unfamiliar horses EVERY SHOW! We did not have the ability to load up our own horses and travel 3 + hours away each show (that would be financially out of the question), but we were able to negotiate deals with Coaches and teams to lease horses from them at those shows. Benefit- not having to travel with our own horses. Con- our rider's not drawing rides on familiar horses at big events, which clearly is an advantage! We truly did earn our Championship titles when we had them. Somehow, we managed to do all of this and still offer rates FAR BELOW AVERAGE of other IEA teams due to our unique networking structure and flexible membership, training, and showing options- we offer some truly out of the box options to our kids and parents without sacrificing quality, safety, or horse care due to our collaborative and unique approach to horse showing! We'll continue to adapt our approach, marketing, outreach, and network to achieve our vision. We like change. We like challenge. We like healthy competition. We like trying new things! We will remain cutting edge and give kids and parents options that they want so that we can promote youth horse sports. I could not do this without our wonderful coaches: Leslie Gattuso and Allison Rayburn- two class acts, who share my vision for this team and love our kids! We all truly want to give these kids and ponies an opportunity to horse show. I am so excited for our continued teamwork and to see what opportunities we come up with for MYET next IEA show season! GO MYET Memphis Youth! This is one amazing crew and I am honored to be a part of it. What we are doing is unique, special, and we are making a positive impact for young equestrians in our local Memphis horse community! I absolutely love this team. Thank you one and all for making this thing work for these kids and ponies. Coach Ashlee
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December 2021
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